Reading For Savings
Our Reading for Savings program rewards children from Kindergarten to Fifth Grade who read 10 books during the
summer, while receiving $1.00/book that is read. At the end of the summer each child will earn a total of $10 to
deposit into a new or existing Young Saver account with TD Bank. Reading for Savings teaches how children can
learn how to save, to grow their savings, and to bring back the joy of reading books, again.
Our literacy program is designed to develop and improve literacy skills for children and students from K-5. This
program promotes early literacy for young children, motivate older children to read, and increase student
achievement by using school libraries as partners to improve literacy, distributing free books to children and their
families and offering high-quality literacy activities. We are working with partnerships with local elementary,
middle, and high schools and libraries in the State of New Jersey.
The program provides the training; tools and support schools need to accelerate reading growth for
struggling readers. In our after-school and summer program, the centerpiece of our curriculum is the Literacy Block-
an hour of activities supporting increased reading achievement, including guided independent reading practice,
fluency-building support and listening to books read aloud. We also know reading support is critical during the
school day. We work with children in the course of their academic day to provide tutorials, sigh word growth,
comprehension, and vocabulary enhancement. Additionally, we conduct emergent reader activities for children to
provide an extra boost to their literacy growth. We will implement a children's book club to make reading
interesting, engaging and fun.