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Ex-Offender Assistance


Our programs begin with performing an intake and case management in a central program office, while outreach coordinator deals with clients at neighborhood-based locations throughout the county. Spread The Purple’s reentry counselors assess participants during the intake process to determine what types of services participants need. After the initial assessment, reentry counselors provide access to the following program components:


1. Case Planning
2. Matching Service
3. Housing
4. Job Retention
5. Legal Assistance


In addition, to walking a client through the community-based approach, once the client becomes employed by an employer, then he/she will begin the process of applying for the Federal Government to be a Fidelity Bonded by the state that set client resides. Becoming Fidelity Bonded means it is a federal process, which helps job applicants (i.e. ex-offenders), obtain employment, and keep it.


The program issues Fidelity Bonds, and is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor. If you are an ex-offender (Felony, Misdemeanor), or you have a high risk factor, in your background, this bond is given freely, to the employer, as an incentive to hire you. The employer can then hire you, and utilize your skills, without taking a risk, of you being dishonest, while working there.

Budget Counseling


Everyone deserves a financial plan, regardless of income or financial situation. Our solutions are customized to meet the client’s needs and help them achieve their goals, such as


  •  Debt Reduction Plans

  •  Improve Credit Rating

  •  Becoming Financially Organized

  •  An Action Plan to pay monthly bills on time

  •  Financial Goal Setting Plans

  •  New Car Affordability Plan

  •  Savings Plans

  •  Understanding How to Read ones paycheck


We provide customized solutions, through detailed planning, and financial coaching. One of the many ways is through our program called “Spending Plan.” This plan will assist the client with where they want to be in their financial future, through the following steps:


  • Assess the client’s financial situation

  •  Eliminate stress over finances

  •  Pay bills on time

  •  Reduce Debt

  •  Monitoring Client’s saving grows

  •  Improve both debt to income ratio

  •  Improve Credit Rating

  •  Improve Expending Habits

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