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4/10/2013 -

"New Jersey financial aid organization, Spread the Purple, is looking for volunteers and runners for the upcoming 5K Run for Warmth"

Health Basket Event

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Volunteers will be giving out bags full of kids/adults reusable mask, hand sanitizers, gloves, disinfectant wipes, etc.

Saturday, December 21, 2020

Spread The Purple has close working relationships with social welfare agencies, churches and other local community agencies which are well qualified to identify the needy children in the community and play important roles in the distribution of the toys the week of Christmas. Click here for additional details

Back to School Supply and Service Event

Saturday, July 24, 2021

Join Spread The Purple for our, "Back To School Supply and Service Event"! 

The event is scheduled for 11am to 3pm. on July 24th. Location TBA so check back in for additional details. 

Our volunteers will be handing out: Backpacks, School Supplies, Food, and more. Free Dental and Health Screenings available to all children under 18 years of age. Refreshments and Supplies will be limited, so get there early to ensure your child can receive these amazing gifts.


Donations for supplies, service, and refreshments can be made by contacting Maryange 973-996-8447  

September 4, 2021

We can't wait to see everyone on Saturday, September 4, 2021! There will be Music; Snacks; Food; and Refreshments for Pre-Registered Participants, who registers through this Racer Website before Saturday, September 4, 2021. Click here for more details.

Saturday, November 20, 2021

Here at Spread The Purple, Thanksgiving remains a time to help those struggling families prepare for their own holiday traditions with a Thanksgiving food basket. Each family will receive a basket including a turkey, potatoes, carrots, bread or croutons, cranberry sauce, celery, onions, apples, pumpkin pie mix, pie crust mix, non-dairy whipped topping, and canned vegetables. Distribution of baskets will begin the week of Thanksgiving.

Wednesday, December 23, 2021

Spread The Purple has close working relationships with social welfare agencies, churches and other local community agencies which are well qualified to identify the needy children in the community and play important roles in the distribution of the toys the week of Christmas. Click here for additional details

One SpareWeek Vacation Fundraiser

On Going

Looking for a great way to take a vacation, have a vacation property you want to rent, or are you a business who would like to pormote deals for those using our tools, than look no further. Visit our Vaction Home Rentals Page to see you can save, earn, and be discovered all in one shot! Visit the site Here!

Reading for Savings

On Going

The program rewards children from Kindergarten to Fifth Grade who read 10 books during the summer with a $10 deposit into a new or existing Young Saver account with TD Bank. Readers about how they can save their $10, as well as tips for how they can reach their savings goals.

Homeless Prevention Luncheon


A great way to bring the community together is over luncheon. This luncheon is a great way to address, promote, and preserve the dignity and quality of life for men, women, and children by pursuing comprehensive and cooperative solutions to the problems of housing and homelessness. Spread The Purple will act as a buffer accomplished through advocacy, education, collaboration, and selected direct services to homeless individuals and families.

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Partner Events

Women's Entrepreneur Expo

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